October Partnership Network Highlights
** NP list on EPnonprofit.org
** About Partnership Network meetings (including the 5 questions): https://www.epnonprofit.org/partnership-network.html#/
** NP list on EPnonprofit.org
** About Partnership Network meetings (including the 5 questions): https://www.epnonprofit.org/partnership-network.html#/
Prior Meeting Notes

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partnership_network_august_2021.pdf |

partnership_network_notes_july.pdf |

partnership_network_notes__june_2021.pdf |

partnership_network_notes_may_2021.pdf |

partnership_network_notes_april_2021.pdf |

partnership_network_notes_march.pdf |

meeting_notes_from_february_-_web.pdf |
To ensure local nonprofit partners stayed connected during COVID, EPNRC adopted weekly ZOOM meetings each Friday for several months. With rapidly changing protocols and ever-emerging needs, this gathering was important to ensure no needs of nonprofits, consumers, or community were overlooked. Soon, this weekly meeting became an adaptation of an existing, monthly meeting convened initially to collaborate around the issue of houselessness (for those experiencing housing insecurity). Now, roughly 12-25 partners are on a monthly Partnership Network virtual meeting to provide updates, seek support, and inspire collaboration. Often, efforts are strengthened in real time as partners identify ways to work together and new ideas are explored. Last month partners discussed the benefits of strong business and nonprofit sector alliances. EPNRC takes notes at these meetings and sends the updates out to our email list of roughly 275 nonprofit and partner sector contacts. We also update this information on our online News page. Leaders from all nonprofits and other sector partners are welcome; meetings are the first Wednesday of each month, noon-1:15pm.
To ensure local nonprofit partners stayed connected during COVID, EPNRC adopted weekly ZOOM meetings each Friday for several months. With rapidly changing protocols and ever-emerging needs, this gathering was important to ensure no needs of nonprofits, consumers, or community were overlooked. Soon, this weekly meeting became an adaptation of an existing, monthly meeting convened initially to collaborate around the issue of houselessness (for those experiencing housing insecurity). Now, roughly 12-25 partners are on a monthly Partnership Network virtual meeting to provide updates, seek support, and inspire collaboration. Often, efforts are strengthened in real time as partners identify ways to work together and new ideas are explored. Last month partners discussed the benefits of strong business and nonprofit sector alliances. EPNRC takes notes at these meetings and sends the updates out to our email list of roughly 275 nonprofit and partner sector contacts. We also update this information on our online News page. Leaders from all nonprofits and other sector partners are welcome; meetings are the first Wednesday of each month, noon-1:15pm.